November 20, 2013

40 weeks and a birth

Here is the brief version of Futcher's birth day :)

November 8th was the day we had been waiting for for months! We went to the doctor at 11:30 and found out I was 2cm and 90% effaced. He stripped my membranes (OW!) and I went home to rest. At 4 something that afternoon I took a shower and thought my water broke! I didn't believe it for a good 15 minutes. I just stood in the bathroom crying between contractions, which were 5 minutes apart, until Bren came in to check on me. My mom confirmed it was my water and Bren helped me dry my hair, then off to the hospital we rushed. 

After 2 hours of contractions that were 2-3 minutes apart I was only 3cm and in more pain than I ever imagined. I was uncontrollably shaking and told Bren I never wanted to have another child. I wouldn't have gotten through it without him holding my hand and reminding me to breathe.  2 hours later I got my epidural :) My blood pressure dropped and I was pretty loopy from there on out. We visited with family for a little bit then fell asleep. 

At 1am the nurse checked me and said I was between 8-9 cm and I would be pushing in an hour. Things were happening way faster than I expected! I started eating ice like crazy because I was so hot and nauseas. Bren woke up when I started vomiting. I began practice pushes at 2am, the doctor showed up at 2:25 and Futcher was born at 2:40. 

I love the look on Bren's face. This is when the baby is coming out...Please ignore my 'pushing' face

Our precious little angel was 8 pounds, 3.4 ounces and absolutely perfect. 
Both Futcher and I had fevers and after a while of skin to skin he had to be taken away for tests. I was still pretty loopy and nauseas at this point.

He passed all of his tests and our fevers went down within a couple hours. 

We are now home adjusting to this crazy wonderful new life and loving every tear-filled minute of it!

We owe a huge thank you to everyone who has helped us out by cooking, cleaning, holding the baby while we sleep, exercising the dogs, doing laundry, and much more!

November 3, 2013

39 weeks

39 weeks! Any minute now...

Total weight gain is 28 pounds

So far my blood pressure is perfect, I'm not swelling, baby's heart beat is great, he is moving plenty, and we are both steadily gaining weight... so since we are both doing great, there's no rush to get him out! 

Here are a couple things the kids at work have said about the baby recently:
-A 2nd grader whispered to his friend "I can see the baby's finger!!" (referring to my outtie belly button)
-A random 4th grader came up to me in the hall and said "You're going to have a baby, and I was watching this show about a cow who had a baby and when they pulled the baby cow out... it was dead" then the kid walked away. Thanks for sharing! 

I really don't feel any different than I have for the past month. I've still been going for walks a few days a week and stretching here and there. (Have I mentioned that I can't wait to start yoga again?!)

No cravings... No food aversions. Just hungry often. 

Sleep has been good and bad this past week. Some nights I just can't get comfortable or can't sleep period and some nights, other than getting up to pee 2-4 times, I sleep wonderfully.

November seemed like it was lightyears away in March when we found out we were pregnant. Have I shared that story yet? Now seems like a good time. 

We originally decided we would plan on having a baby in January... but then we got anxious and decided to start trying a couple months early (Brendan's idea). I was convinced that it would take months for me to get pregnant. I got extremely stressed about moving and starting new jobs and finishing grad school and decided we should wait a few months before trying again. And a few days later I found out I was pregnant! I put a shirt on Parker that said "I'll be a big brother in November" and that's how I told Bren. Then we sat on the couch for about an hour and soaked it all it. I had a week with no nausea, then the sickness kicked in. I love being pregnant and reminiscing about the whole journey! 

October 27, 2013

38 weeks

38 weeks! 

2 weeks until due date! 

Total weight gain is 26 pounds

I feel great! I probably have an hour or so a day that I don't particularly feel wonderful, but other than that I feel healthy and happy :)

We had our 38 week appointment on Thursday. The doctor was feeling to make sure baby is still head down and I was in the middle of a contraction (that I couldn't feel) so he had to wait. Futch is still in the same position, ready to be birthed, very low and head down. Then the doctor tried to feel baby's limbs and I had another contraction so he stopped trying to feel around. He seemed confused that I couldn't feel my contractions but said it's a good thing I'm having them because it's getting my body ready for when delivery time comes. Which apparently is not any time soon :)

Brendan's one birthday request was for Futcher to wait to come so they didn't have to share a birthday. (Although I think secretly Bren wanted him to come that day)

My clothes are getting tighter! Picking out outfits that aren't yoga pants and Bren's T-shirts is getting tough. I just need to get through the next 2 weeks at work. Maybe longer since I plan to try and work even past 40 weeks until Futch comes out. 

On Wednesday my wedding rings were extremely painful to take off, so Brendan did what any good husband would do and took me to buy a fake one. And I love it. But I also can't wait to have my real rings back on. 

We are ready ready ready! I unpacked and repacked the hospital bags today... I'm not sure what else we need to do but I feel like I've done everything to prepare for this kid!

We were told to go see a movie together since it will be awhile before we get to do that again. We saw Captain Phillips tonight and loved it. Go see it. 

October 19, 2013

37 weeks

37 week! 
Baby Futcher is full term :)

Weight gain- 25 pounds! 

Our little guy is still squirming a lot, it feels like a little less than usual but I think he's just cramped. 

His heartbeat is 135 and he's still head down. The doctor said he's staying pretty low.

When we got to our 37 week appointment we found out our doctor recently had carpal tunnel surgery on both hand. Meaning- if we have this baby early at all, he won't be our doctor. But if he waits and comes at 40 weeks we should have our doctor there. So that's fun!...

He estimated that Futch will weigh 7.5 pounds if he's born at 40 weeks. Nice and average. I like that. 

I feel pretty good overall! No signs of labor at this point. I have had some braxton hicks contractions, mostly at night, and nothing that has made me think for a second "it could be time". 

Some lady at the fair today looked like she was going to have a heart attack when I told her I was 37 weeks. She kept saying how tiny I was and that there's no way. My kids at work feel the opposite... they keep telling me I'm getting bigger and asking me to bring the baby to school. They said it would be okay if I waited until he was 2 days old. Thoughtful kids!

My co-workers gave me an amazing baby shower this week! I feel so loved and blessed to be working with such supportive people :) especially since they have known me for less than 2 months at this point!

Futcher wants to give a shout out to aunt Elisa who turns 21 tomorrow! Can't wait!

October 13, 2013

36 weeks

36 weeks. 9 months!
 (what they don't tell you growing up is that you're actually pregnant for closer to 10 months)

Total weight gain is 23 pounds. 

The doctor estimated that Futch weighs around 5 pounds now!

He is head down and will hopefully stay that way for the next 4 weeks. 

His heartbeat is 145 BPM.

He is still moving a ton for the amount of space he lives in.

I just can't wait to hold and cuddle him!!!

Playing on the floor with preschool babies at work is getting harder and harder but I plan on staying at work until this boy makes his arrival. 

My wedding rings are getting prettyyyyy tight :( but still no kankels or swollen feet. 

I still crave fruit and milk. 

Debating whether or not I need to write out our (very flexible) birth plan this week. We kind of have a go-with-the-flow and do what's best for baby and mommy attitude towards everything.

Walking and stretching are my only form of (very light) exercise. 

I still have back pain while sitting and some pelvic pain while walking. 

Thank goodness Walking Dead is on Netflix so I can just lay and watch that with Bren every night. But I think it's making my dreams a little crazy lately. 

4 short weeks left! 

October 6, 2013

35 weeks

 35 Weeks!! 

Total weight gain is around 23 pounds. 

I'm THRILLED that it's yoga pants and leggings season. My whole body is thankful. 

Starting this week we go to the doctor weekly! 

Still having the same aches and pains, nothing unbearable and nothing new.

A little more tired lately. Except at 2am when I'm wide awake for an hour. 

Futcher is still moving around like crazy in his cramped little home, but he's still not ready to come out. 

No food cravings or aversions this week. 

I cannot wait to hold our sweet little boy. I don't want him coming early... but I am so ready to have him here. 

We drove to Galveston for Jessica's wedding this weekend! And a 5 hour drive while 35 weeks pregnant wasn't as bad as I was anticipating 8 months ago. 
The wedding was absolutely beautiful and I am so thankful I got to be part of it :)
(and very thankful the dress I ordered when I was 6 weeks pregnant fit perfectly with no alterations.) 

September 29, 2013

Futcher's Nursery

Before we knew baby Scheider was a boy, I was set on a gray nursery. I also didn't want anything too 'themey'. So here are a few pictures of Futcher's nautical, elephant nursery. 

Thanks to my sister and everyone at the baby 
shower for painting our adorable nursery alphabet!

Brendan's parents graciously let us keep this boat bookshelf which I am absolutely in love with! The Tiger and the elephant are my mom's from when she was little. 

This is a painting my mom got us in Africa!

The little dog is from my nursery. And I had to put some Forever Young lyrics in there because every time I hear that song I cry and think of my sweet little boy. 

The changing table is an antique washstand from Brendan's Papa. 
I just put new knobs and the changing pad on it. 

Little homemade elephant and whale mobile

Futcher's room wouldn't be complete without something from whom he was named! This map of royal Britain used to be at Brendan's grandparents house in Michigan and makes the perfect addition to our nursery.

Close up of an embroidered blanket from my momma!

The rocking chair was Brendan's Gaga's and it's so special to us to have. 

Sweet little rocking horse that Brendan had as a child :)

And lastly our closet storage:

All we are missing is little Futcher, then we will be complete!

34 weeks

34 weeks! 

It's crazy to think we have 5 weeks and 5 days until Futcher's due date. 

This past week has been a roller coaster for my poor pregnancy hormones. So I need to start this blog by thanking my husband for hugging me through lots of tears. 

I found myself sitting on the floor in our closet Monday morning crying because I couldn't put together an outfit that fit. Brendan picked me up, kissed me, and assured me that I am still beautiful, and for that I am thankful. I am also thankful that the weather is cooling down slightly which opens up my wardrobe options a lot. Hello leggings! I've missed you!
Later that evening I decided it would be a good idea to try on my pre pregnancy jeans. SERIOUSLY... what was I thinking?? Note to all pregnant ladies: Do not try on your pre preg jeans when you're 8 and a half months pregnant. Lesson learned. 

Another cry session occurred when I was making my hospital play list. I listened to Forever Young and started bawling. Every lyric made me think of my little boy.

We had our 34 week appointment on Thursday. Baby's heartbeat is a solid 150 and everything looks great!

My total weigh gain is 23 pounds.

Craving sweet tea, but not giving in to caffeine! Also, I've still been drinking tons of milk lately and eating a lot of cereal... which has actually been the story of my life for the past 8 months. 

After a prenatal massage and a chiropractor visit, I am feeling pretty good! Some pelvic and back discomfort but nothing I can't walk through. 

Futch LOVED church this morning. He wiggled and squirmed for a solid 45 minutes which kept me and Brendan entertained. I think he was having a tough time getting comfortable in his little cave. Poor guy! Just a few more weeks and you'll have a whole new world to explore!

Today we finished the nursery! So exciting to have that all ready for little Futch :)

September 22, 2013

33 weeks

32 and 33 week update!

Total weight gain is around 22 pounds.

The nursery is SO close to being finished. A couple more things for Brendan to hang :)

I feel as good I would expect to feel with a little over 6 weeks to go. 

I went to the chiropractor last weekend and it's helping some with my back.

I did a load of little baby laundry. That's the sweetest laundry I've ever done!

No cravings lately. 

We went to a 3 and a half hour breast feeding class yesterday and it was very informative. I feel so much more prepared for everything baby related after all of our classes. And I'm so glad Brendan went willingly with me to all them. Father of the year already!

During week 32 birthing class we practiced relaxation techniques and got our hospital tour. During the tour it started to become extremely painful to walk. As I looked around at all of the other moms-to-be walking just fine I felt super irritated that I seemed to be the only one in what I thought was normal pregnancy pain. The next morning driving to work was causing extreme pelvic pain just switching from the gas to the brake pedal. I managed to get through the day at work and as I was walking to my car I was in tears because it hurt SO bad to walk (or waddle). I immediately messaged my doctor (their preferred method to phone calls) and waited to hear back. The doctor called and told me to go to the hospital to be monitored. Bren came home and picked me up super fast. Good thing we had our tour the day before and knew where to go :)

As soon as I was hooked up to the monitors and sure I wasn't having contractions, the nurse asked me if I felt the one I just had. I barely felt it and had no idea that those light cramps I was feeling were in fact contractions.  Apparently I was having regular contractions 2-3 minutes apart. The nurse said it might just be because I'm tiny but I wasn't buying that. I was checked for dehydration and given a (painful) shot to stop the contractions. It worked! 4 hours, 1 delicious cheese quesadilla, 4 bottles of water, and 4 dehydration tests later, I asked to go home. They assured me baby is no where near ready to come out and sometimes those contractions just happen but hopefully won't come back for another couple of months. 

Long story right?

Anyways, I am feeling much much better. Futcher was moving just fine the whole time and his heartbeat was stable so I was never really concerned for him. I know our little guy is super strong and doing just fine :) 
Maybe I should apologize to the people Brendan sent pictures of me in the hospital to and told them I was having the baby? Maybe not. It was funny. 

Now we know that Brendan needs to pack warm clothes because those hospital rooms are freezing. And Baylor Frisco has delicious food. It's true. 

Our next appointment is Thursday!

September 8, 2013

31 weeks

31 weeks... we are in the single digit week count down. Time needs to slow down please!

I'm guessing I've gained around 18 pounds, I'll find out at the doctor Wednesday. I'm starting to feel the weight in places other than just my stomach now.

My only food aversion continues to be Asian food. Ew. 

I've still been craving sweets. I think Brendan is completely okay with this craving, except when I suggested we drive to the mall to go to Godiva. He pointed out that I can get chocolate truffles a lot closer to home. 

My goal is to finish the nursery next weekend so hopefully I will have some good pictures to post. 

At work on Friday my second grade speech group decided I should name the baby Jeff and call him Yoshi. 

We went to our first child birth class last week. I left completely terrified. I was neutral on the idea of an epidural and I might be swaying a little more toward one direction now :) 
The class was great, very informative. The hospital is really like a castle. It's so nice. They had chicken strips in our class that smelled like heaven, but I refrained and filled up on cookies and fruit. It feels good to be more educated and know our options. 

Futcher found my ribs this week! It's fun... 

I've got a load of baby laundry I'm waiting to do. It's really just sheets, a couple of outfits, and blankets. Is it too early for that? 

I was in a meeting on Friday and had a freak out what-if-I-went-into-labor-right-now moment. My biggest worry was that since my bag wasn't packed, one of my sisters would have to go by the house and grab things for me and it would be all of the wrong items. 
So now my bag is mostly packed and there's a nice detailed list of last minute things to grab :)

We started our membership class for our new church today. It's great to meet so many people around our age with babies, because until today, we really knew no one in this area with a baby. We can't wait for the fellowship this journey will bring! 

September 1, 2013

30 weeks

30 Weeks! 75% finished with pregnancy! 
(exciting and also sad since I love being pregnant)
This picture definitely looks like I am carrying high. Which is good because he was staying super low and it was killing me, so I'm glad he moved on up!

I've gained 16 pounds total! And apparently Futcher himself only accounts for 3 of that...

This week I have been craving breakfast food. Waffles, cinnamon rolls, eggs, cereal (of which I have been eating 1-3 bowls every day for the past 30 weeks)

Doctor's appointment went great! It's crazy that we are already to the point of going to the doctor every 2 weeks. 

I'm still feeling great for being 30 weeks pregnant. Back pain and other aches and pains are hanging around but I would expect nothing less this late in the game. 

I started packing my hospital bag. And by that I mean I have my hospital bag picked out and nothing in it.... baby steps.

Birth classes start Wednesday so I guess I will have no more excuses for not wanting to talk about the actual birth process. My doctor will be thrilled since for the last 3 visits I've been super awkward when he asks us about it.

Several people have told me lately how good the food at our hospital is. So that's something to look forward to :)

Labor Day picture... minus the labor please :)

August 25, 2013

29 weeks

29 weeks! 

We picked out our little boy's name a couple years ago. Futcher pronounced (foot-cher) is Brendan's mom's maiden name. We absolutely love it. Futcher Brendan Scheider. We call him Futch. He loves it. 

Still not sure about how much weight I've gained, but I'll find out Thursday at our 30 week appointment!

I was walking out of a store this week when a stranger asked if I was having a boy. I said yes and she said "You look so beautiful! Enjoy it because girls make you huge!"
I love kind strangers and that I am to the point where everyone I meet feels comfortable commenting on the baby because they are 100% it's a baby and not the Mexican food I had for lunch. 

I've been sleeping a lot better lately. Maybe because I started work again and I'm so exhausted at night. 

Futcher is still moving a ton, but it feels like he is starting to get a little cramped in there. 

No cravings this week, although fruit always sounds delicious. Always. 

I have felt really wonderful lately. I have a couple of common 3rd trimester aches and pains but overall I feel great. Back pain is a new one that has started toward the end of the day but only when I'm sitting. 

I really miss being able to do things for myself. I got my new office last week and had to wait a few days for it to be functional until Brendan could come up and move everything around for me. Normally a not pregnant Sam would be able to push desks and shelves around by herself to rearrange. Thank God for a husband who loves to help me out :)

August 19, 2013

28 weeks

28 weeks.... well 28.5 really. 

First of all I want to thank everyone who came to the baby shower (and those that were there in spirit) for the wonderful wonderful gifts and support for the babe. We are so blessed to have almost everything new parents need to get started. My sisters, aunt, and best friend threw a wonderful party for baby!

Only 12 weeks until his due date! I'm pretty sure he will be born on his exact due date (November 8th) and weigh 7.0 pounds. 

My total weight gain is around 14 pounds. 

At our 27 week appointment I was measuring small so the doctor did a surprise ultrasound to measure the little guy. We loved seeing him and being assured that he is growing just fine and probably won't be a big baby (Whew!). He weighed 1 pound 15 oz! I'm sure he's passed 2 pounds by now. 

I have been craving sweet tea but have not given in to caffeine. Also, mashed potatoes sound DELICIOUS. 

I feel like it's important to mention that the glucose drink you have to drink for the gestational diabetes test isn't that bad. Don't sweat it future moms-to-be! And we passed. Yay!

Someone politely pointed out that my belly button has popped out. It's true, we all saw it coming. 

Baby's nursery is painted (grey) thanks to my mom and sisters! Everything is coming together... it's like we are REALLY having a baby. For real. 

Birth classes are starting soon so I'm sure I'll have fun stories from those to share. 

August 2, 2013

26 weeks

26 Weeks! Goodbye second trimester!

Time's flying, I'm growing, baby's kicking, family's moving. 

I'll know for sure how much weight I've gained on Thursday at our next appointment. I don't even want to try to guess. 

I pretty much wear tank tops and soft shorts everyday so starting work in a couple of weeks will be a challenge in the wardrobe department. 

The little gummy bear weighs close to 2 pounds and is around 13 inches long. 

.... I'll admit I have been craving sweets! Fruit, cookies, and skittles. Baby went crazy when I ate strawberries the other night! We loved it. 

The thought of soy sauce makes me want to vomit. 

Everyone is asking if I am swelling yet, which makes me think it's coming soon. When I wake up with sore legs I am always terrified to look at my ankles, but so far so good. 

Our boy responds to his daddy's voice when he reads him stories each night. (I think baby is tired of me reading to him about neurology and stuttering, but momma's got to study!)

I was getting severe round ligament pain which was making it impossible to walk at some points. I went to the Chiropractor for an adjustment and have been feeling 90% better since that! Love a good adjustment, although it was kind of scary since I have a tiny human inside of me. 

In other news, we bought our first house! Can't wait to start painting things and getting the nursery ready :) So much to do in the 1.5 weeks until school starts! 

July 20, 2013

24 weeks

6 months!! Hard to believe how close we are getting to the day we get to hold our little boy!

Baby is the size of a Subway footlong. Lunch was delicious!
 (WOW I look huge in this pic!)

My total weight gain is 10+, probably closer to 12? But I still haven't replaced the batteries in the scale...

BABY BRAIN IS REAL. I have been pretty forgetful... leaving the groceries in the car, forgetting what I have to say mid conversation and hanging up the phone... Needless to say, working at a nursing home with people who have short term memory loss is working in my favor this summer.

Lately, bending over has been extra hard, so when a patient drops a fork, I look like a fool trying to pick it up. With that being said, I don't look pregnant at all in scrubs so it's even more confusing to people why I can't pick up a spoon by myself.

I read that my uterus is the size of a soccer ball so that explains the not being able to bend thing.

My symptoms: Awful round ligament pain for about 3 weeks, but it finally subsided for the most part! Random pains here and there mostly when walking a lot which is unfortunate since that's my only favorite form of exercise. But baby sure does love the elliptical.

We can SEE baby moving around. I love love love all of his little and big movements. Even at 4am. Love them.

Current cravings are... nothing. Boring.

Also, I decided a while ago that I would start thinking about the actual birth process in July and make my birth plan. BUT that is overwhelming and confusing and scary, so we will put it off a tiiiiiny bit longer.

Friday night we went on a date in Dallas and loved it. Just walked around downtown for a while and ate at Jorge's, then walked around even longer looking for ice cream but couldn't find any.

Here is Bren with his BIG smile:

 And me with my BIG belly. 

July 7, 2013

22 weeks

Whew, 4 months to go!! 

Yesterday Brendan asked me if I liked being pregnant. I LOVE it. It isn't what I thought it would be like. When I thought about being pregnant before I never thought about all of the little details, just the belly. I love feeling baby kicking and moving and I love that he is growing inside of me. Helping him grow healthy and keeping him safe is going to be the biggest responsibility of my life and so far I love being a mommy. 

The batteries on my scale died... so I guess at our doctors appointment Thursday I'll get to see how much the scale has jumped! 

We got to see baby last week at the 3D ultra sound. He moved around SO much while the tech was measuring him, then when the doctor got there to check on him he was sound asleep. 

I haven't been craving anything.

Clothes are getting harder and harder to wear. Even Nike shorts aren't fitting and apparently it's unacceptable to wear Brendan's basketball shorts out in public everyday. A quick shopping trip solved this for the time being.  

I haven't been sleeping great. Sometimes the most comfortable way to sleep is sitting up on the couch. I'm a back and stomach sleeper so this is quite a change for me. 

We finally registered and I have been having fun trying to figure our decorations for the nursery! Can't wait to move and set everything up. 

If someone can paint us a picture like this:
It would be very much appreciated :)
... Baby told me he likes whales and elephants, so it's more of a favor to him, not me. 

June 23, 2013

20 weeks

"Woah, we're halfway there,  woah, livin' on a prayer. 
Take my hand and we'll make it I swear."

...Thanks Bon Jovi. 

So far I have gained around 9 pounds. 

I think a little bit of energy is starting to kick in! I haven't been dying to go to bed at 8:30pm. I also haven't been getting up at 6:00am so maybe that's part of it? 

No food cravings :( I guess that's a good thing, but I want fun cravings so I can say "Brendan go get me some Rocky Road ice cream with watermelon and walnuts on top!"

My belly button is trying hard to stay in. Not sure how much longer that will last!

Sleeping has become more difficult. Getting sore and stiff from sleeping on my side. And waking up to pee multiple times isn't helping the sleep!

This is the happiest I have ever been and things just keep getting better. 

I didn't blog last week, but 
here is the picture I posted:

Last week we had our first appointment with our new doctor in Frisco. It took a little persuading to get him to do the ultrasound but we were dying to find out the gender. Baby boy was twisting and punching and dancing around like crazy. 

This week we have a 3D scheduled to "make sure he has all of his parts"

...I'll let you know if anything is missing. 

June 9, 2013

18 weeks

18 weeks!!

Last night I was reminded that the baby is due in 5 months! Whew! 

I've gained around 6 pounds so far. 
I'm starting to feel little flutters! At first I thought it was all mental, but baby is definitely moving in there.
Haven't really had any food aversions or cravings this week. 
Nothing has made me sick lately. I start my rotation at a nursing home Monday so I'm sure the queasiness will kick in. 

I'm really missing yoga lately. Yes, I can do some yoga, but I miss inversions and pushing my limits. 

FRIDAY. Friday we find out what this little gummy bear is and we couldn't be any more thrilled or anxious! I'm ready for these terrifying gender dreams to end :)

May 27, 2013

16 weeks

16 Weeks! 

When I was little I would measure everything important by the grade/year I was in. Then in college I counted down by the semester. When I stared working at a school I became on a 9 week timeline. And here I am, counting the weeks and looking forward to a new milestone for this sweet baby every 7 days. 

The 2nd trimester did not immediately bring me energy and no sickness like promised. But, 3 weeks into the 2nd trimester I am definitely feeling 90% better. 

I keep trying to feel baby kick... no such luck! Soon hopefully. 

No real food cravings, I have been eating more of a variety though, which I am sure baby and Brendan appreciate.

Chinese New Year: Boy
Mayans, conceived in an odd year and my age is odd: Girl
Dropping a key, I picked it up by the round part: Boy
Craving sweet or salty: Boy

... We find out in 3 weeks!

May 18, 2013

15 Weeks

15 Weeks! We went to the doctor this week and heard our sweet baby's heartbeat. 1 more month until we find out if it's a boy or girl! Cannot wait to know. 

This week has left me feeling muuuuch better than the last 3 months. Overall nausea has been gone (except 2 nights this week). I'm still super tired though, but I'll take that over nausea any day. 

I started eating vegetables again. I was pretty much against them for a couple months but now I am craving salad. And cheese. 

Weight gain is still at 3 pounds. 

In other news we have been packing up the house to move next weekend! Well, I won't be moving until June 7th but all of our stuff will be gone. Very excited for so many changes!

May 5, 2013


Hellooooo second trimester! 

I made Bren take this picture like 8 times, on multiple days, because I thought I looked too pregnant. It turns out- I'm pregnant and showing. I popped around 12 weeks. 

So here's my week 13 update:
-I've gained 3 pounds! 
-Pregnancy related nausea still comes and goes, it doesn't magically stop the minute the 2nd trimester starts. Darn. 
-I no longer comfortably fit in my jeans and shorts. Maxi dresses to the rescue!
-My only food aversion right now is Chinese food. Ew. 
-Loving all kinds of fake meat products. (Baby craves meat, settles for soy!)

We are incredibly overjoyed and thankful for this little blessing growing inside of me. 

January 11, 2013

Blog 13. Chalkboard Door DIY

Got an old door for $5 at a garage sale. It sat in the garage and various spots in the house for nearly a year before I decided what I wanted to do with it. 

Blank, boring, old door. 

First I added pretty knobs from my momma. 

Then I thought, "That would make an awesome chalkboard!"
And Brendan cut the perfect size plywood and I used chalkboard spray paint to paint it. 
Next I had to figure out how to hang the board... Tricky. 

Brendan drilled small holes in the board and put screws in the back. I ran twine through the holes and looped them on the screws. And tied a pretty twine bow.  

Pretty finished product!!

And that's my easy chalkboard door. 

Total cost:
Plywood: Free (leftover from a headboard I made 2 years ago)
Knobs: Free (Thanks momma)
Chalkboard Paint: $4.00 at Michaels with coupon
Door: $5.00 at a garage sale