September 22, 2013

33 weeks

32 and 33 week update!

Total weight gain is around 22 pounds.

The nursery is SO close to being finished. A couple more things for Brendan to hang :)

I feel as good I would expect to feel with a little over 6 weeks to go. 

I went to the chiropractor last weekend and it's helping some with my back.

I did a load of little baby laundry. That's the sweetest laundry I've ever done!

No cravings lately. 

We went to a 3 and a half hour breast feeding class yesterday and it was very informative. I feel so much more prepared for everything baby related after all of our classes. And I'm so glad Brendan went willingly with me to all them. Father of the year already!

During week 32 birthing class we practiced relaxation techniques and got our hospital tour. During the tour it started to become extremely painful to walk. As I looked around at all of the other moms-to-be walking just fine I felt super irritated that I seemed to be the only one in what I thought was normal pregnancy pain. The next morning driving to work was causing extreme pelvic pain just switching from the gas to the brake pedal. I managed to get through the day at work and as I was walking to my car I was in tears because it hurt SO bad to walk (or waddle). I immediately messaged my doctor (their preferred method to phone calls) and waited to hear back. The doctor called and told me to go to the hospital to be monitored. Bren came home and picked me up super fast. Good thing we had our tour the day before and knew where to go :)

As soon as I was hooked up to the monitors and sure I wasn't having contractions, the nurse asked me if I felt the one I just had. I barely felt it and had no idea that those light cramps I was feeling were in fact contractions.  Apparently I was having regular contractions 2-3 minutes apart. The nurse said it might just be because I'm tiny but I wasn't buying that. I was checked for dehydration and given a (painful) shot to stop the contractions. It worked! 4 hours, 1 delicious cheese quesadilla, 4 bottles of water, and 4 dehydration tests later, I asked to go home. They assured me baby is no where near ready to come out and sometimes those contractions just happen but hopefully won't come back for another couple of months. 

Long story right?

Anyways, I am feeling much much better. Futcher was moving just fine the whole time and his heartbeat was stable so I was never really concerned for him. I know our little guy is super strong and doing just fine :) 
Maybe I should apologize to the people Brendan sent pictures of me in the hospital to and told them I was having the baby? Maybe not. It was funny. 

Now we know that Brendan needs to pack warm clothes because those hospital rooms are freezing. And Baylor Frisco has delicious food. It's true. 

Our next appointment is Thursday!

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