September 8, 2013

31 weeks

31 weeks... we are in the single digit week count down. Time needs to slow down please!

I'm guessing I've gained around 18 pounds, I'll find out at the doctor Wednesday. I'm starting to feel the weight in places other than just my stomach now.

My only food aversion continues to be Asian food. Ew. 

I've still been craving sweets. I think Brendan is completely okay with this craving, except when I suggested we drive to the mall to go to Godiva. He pointed out that I can get chocolate truffles a lot closer to home. 

My goal is to finish the nursery next weekend so hopefully I will have some good pictures to post. 

At work on Friday my second grade speech group decided I should name the baby Jeff and call him Yoshi. 

We went to our first child birth class last week. I left completely terrified. I was neutral on the idea of an epidural and I might be swaying a little more toward one direction now :) 
The class was great, very informative. The hospital is really like a castle. It's so nice. They had chicken strips in our class that smelled like heaven, but I refrained and filled up on cookies and fruit. It feels good to be more educated and know our options. 

Futcher found my ribs this week! It's fun... 

I've got a load of baby laundry I'm waiting to do. It's really just sheets, a couple of outfits, and blankets. Is it too early for that? 

I was in a meeting on Friday and had a freak out what-if-I-went-into-labor-right-now moment. My biggest worry was that since my bag wasn't packed, one of my sisters would have to go by the house and grab things for me and it would be all of the wrong items. 
So now my bag is mostly packed and there's a nice detailed list of last minute things to grab :)

We started our membership class for our new church today. It's great to meet so many people around our age with babies, because until today, we really knew no one in this area with a baby. We can't wait for the fellowship this journey will bring! 

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