September 29, 2013

34 weeks

34 weeks! 

It's crazy to think we have 5 weeks and 5 days until Futcher's due date. 

This past week has been a roller coaster for my poor pregnancy hormones. So I need to start this blog by thanking my husband for hugging me through lots of tears. 

I found myself sitting on the floor in our closet Monday morning crying because I couldn't put together an outfit that fit. Brendan picked me up, kissed me, and assured me that I am still beautiful, and for that I am thankful. I am also thankful that the weather is cooling down slightly which opens up my wardrobe options a lot. Hello leggings! I've missed you!
Later that evening I decided it would be a good idea to try on my pre pregnancy jeans. SERIOUSLY... what was I thinking?? Note to all pregnant ladies: Do not try on your pre preg jeans when you're 8 and a half months pregnant. Lesson learned. 

Another cry session occurred when I was making my hospital play list. I listened to Forever Young and started bawling. Every lyric made me think of my little boy.

We had our 34 week appointment on Thursday. Baby's heartbeat is a solid 150 and everything looks great!

My total weigh gain is 23 pounds.

Craving sweet tea, but not giving in to caffeine! Also, I've still been drinking tons of milk lately and eating a lot of cereal... which has actually been the story of my life for the past 8 months. 

After a prenatal massage and a chiropractor visit, I am feeling pretty good! Some pelvic and back discomfort but nothing I can't walk through. 

Futch LOVED church this morning. He wiggled and squirmed for a solid 45 minutes which kept me and Brendan entertained. I think he was having a tough time getting comfortable in his little cave. Poor guy! Just a few more weeks and you'll have a whole new world to explore!

Today we finished the nursery! So exciting to have that all ready for little Futch :)

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