September 1, 2013

30 weeks

30 Weeks! 75% finished with pregnancy! 
(exciting and also sad since I love being pregnant)
This picture definitely looks like I am carrying high. Which is good because he was staying super low and it was killing me, so I'm glad he moved on up!

I've gained 16 pounds total! And apparently Futcher himself only accounts for 3 of that...

This week I have been craving breakfast food. Waffles, cinnamon rolls, eggs, cereal (of which I have been eating 1-3 bowls every day for the past 30 weeks)

Doctor's appointment went great! It's crazy that we are already to the point of going to the doctor every 2 weeks. 

I'm still feeling great for being 30 weeks pregnant. Back pain and other aches and pains are hanging around but I would expect nothing less this late in the game. 

I started packing my hospital bag. And by that I mean I have my hospital bag picked out and nothing in it.... baby steps.

Birth classes start Wednesday so I guess I will have no more excuses for not wanting to talk about the actual birth process. My doctor will be thrilled since for the last 3 visits I've been super awkward when he asks us about it.

Several people have told me lately how good the food at our hospital is. So that's something to look forward to :)

Labor Day picture... minus the labor please :)

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