26 Weeks! Goodbye second trimester!
Time's flying, I'm growing, baby's kicking, family's moving.
I'll know for sure how much weight I've gained on Thursday at our next appointment. I don't even want to try to guess.
I pretty much wear tank tops and soft shorts everyday so starting work in a couple of weeks will be a challenge in the wardrobe department.
The little gummy bear weighs close to 2 pounds and is around 13 inches long.
.... I'll admit I have been craving sweets! Fruit, cookies, and skittles. Baby went crazy when I ate strawberries the other night! We loved it.
The thought of soy sauce makes me want to vomit.
Everyone is asking if I am swelling yet, which makes me think it's coming soon. When I wake up with sore legs I am always terrified to look at my ankles, but so far so good.
Our boy responds to his daddy's voice when he reads him stories each night. (I think baby is tired of me reading to him about neurology and stuttering, but momma's got to study!)
I was getting severe round ligament pain which was making it impossible to walk at some points. I went to the Chiropractor for an adjustment and have been feeling 90% better since that! Love a good adjustment, although it was kind of scary since I have a tiny human inside of me.
In other news, we bought our first house! Can't wait to start painting things and getting the nursery ready :) So much to do in the 1.5 weeks until school starts!
Oh it's so cute that he responds when Brendan reads to him. I just teared up a little.