August 19, 2013

28 weeks

28 weeks.... well 28.5 really. 

First of all I want to thank everyone who came to the baby shower (and those that were there in spirit) for the wonderful wonderful gifts and support for the babe. We are so blessed to have almost everything new parents need to get started. My sisters, aunt, and best friend threw a wonderful party for baby!

Only 12 weeks until his due date! I'm pretty sure he will be born on his exact due date (November 8th) and weigh 7.0 pounds. 

My total weight gain is around 14 pounds. 

At our 27 week appointment I was measuring small so the doctor did a surprise ultrasound to measure the little guy. We loved seeing him and being assured that he is growing just fine and probably won't be a big baby (Whew!). He weighed 1 pound 15 oz! I'm sure he's passed 2 pounds by now. 

I have been craving sweet tea but have not given in to caffeine. Also, mashed potatoes sound DELICIOUS. 

I feel like it's important to mention that the glucose drink you have to drink for the gestational diabetes test isn't that bad. Don't sweat it future moms-to-be! And we passed. Yay!

Someone politely pointed out that my belly button has popped out. It's true, we all saw it coming. 

Baby's nursery is painted (grey) thanks to my mom and sisters! Everything is coming together... it's like we are REALLY having a baby. For real. 

Birth classes are starting soon so I'm sure I'll have fun stories from those to share. 

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