July 20, 2013

24 weeks

6 months!! Hard to believe how close we are getting to the day we get to hold our little boy!

Baby is the size of a Subway footlong. Lunch was delicious!
 (WOW I look huge in this pic!)

My total weight gain is 10+, probably closer to 12? But I still haven't replaced the batteries in the scale...

BABY BRAIN IS REAL. I have been pretty forgetful... leaving the groceries in the car, forgetting what I have to say mid conversation and hanging up the phone... Needless to say, working at a nursing home with people who have short term memory loss is working in my favor this summer.

Lately, bending over has been extra hard, so when a patient drops a fork, I look like a fool trying to pick it up. With that being said, I don't look pregnant at all in scrubs so it's even more confusing to people why I can't pick up a spoon by myself.

I read that my uterus is the size of a soccer ball so that explains the not being able to bend thing.

My symptoms: Awful round ligament pain for about 3 weeks, but it finally subsided for the most part! Random pains here and there mostly when walking a lot which is unfortunate since that's my only favorite form of exercise. But baby sure does love the elliptical.

We can SEE baby moving around. I love love love all of his little and big movements. Even at 4am. Love them.

Current cravings are... nothing. Boring.

Also, I decided a while ago that I would start thinking about the actual birth process in July and make my birth plan. BUT that is overwhelming and confusing and scary, so we will put it off a tiiiiiny bit longer.

Friday night we went on a date in Dallas and loved it. Just walked around downtown for a while and ate at Jorge's, then walked around even longer looking for ice cream but couldn't find any.

Here is Bren with his BIG smile:

 And me with my BIG belly. 

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