November 3, 2013

39 weeks

39 weeks! Any minute now...

Total weight gain is 28 pounds

So far my blood pressure is perfect, I'm not swelling, baby's heart beat is great, he is moving plenty, and we are both steadily gaining weight... so since we are both doing great, there's no rush to get him out! 

Here are a couple things the kids at work have said about the baby recently:
-A 2nd grader whispered to his friend "I can see the baby's finger!!" (referring to my outtie belly button)
-A random 4th grader came up to me in the hall and said "You're going to have a baby, and I was watching this show about a cow who had a baby and when they pulled the baby cow out... it was dead" then the kid walked away. Thanks for sharing! 

I really don't feel any different than I have for the past month. I've still been going for walks a few days a week and stretching here and there. (Have I mentioned that I can't wait to start yoga again?!)

No cravings... No food aversions. Just hungry often. 

Sleep has been good and bad this past week. Some nights I just can't get comfortable or can't sleep period and some nights, other than getting up to pee 2-4 times, I sleep wonderfully.

November seemed like it was lightyears away in March when we found out we were pregnant. Have I shared that story yet? Now seems like a good time. 

We originally decided we would plan on having a baby in January... but then we got anxious and decided to start trying a couple months early (Brendan's idea). I was convinced that it would take months for me to get pregnant. I got extremely stressed about moving and starting new jobs and finishing grad school and decided we should wait a few months before trying again. And a few days later I found out I was pregnant! I put a shirt on Parker that said "I'll be a big brother in November" and that's how I told Bren. Then we sat on the couch for about an hour and soaked it all it. I had a week with no nausea, then the sickness kicked in. I love being pregnant and reminiscing about the whole journey! 

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