October 19, 2013

37 weeks

37 week! 
Baby Futcher is full term :)

Weight gain- 25 pounds! 

Our little guy is still squirming a lot, it feels like a little less than usual but I think he's just cramped. 

His heartbeat is 135 and he's still head down. The doctor said he's staying pretty low.

When we got to our 37 week appointment we found out our doctor recently had carpal tunnel surgery on both hand. Meaning- if we have this baby early at all, he won't be our doctor. But if he waits and comes at 40 weeks we should have our doctor there. So that's fun!...

He estimated that Futch will weigh 7.5 pounds if he's born at 40 weeks. Nice and average. I like that. 

I feel pretty good overall! No signs of labor at this point. I have had some braxton hicks contractions, mostly at night, and nothing that has made me think for a second "it could be time". 

Some lady at the fair today looked like she was going to have a heart attack when I told her I was 37 weeks. She kept saying how tiny I was and that there's no way. My kids at work feel the opposite... they keep telling me I'm getting bigger and asking me to bring the baby to school. They said it would be okay if I waited until he was 2 days old. Thoughtful kids!

My co-workers gave me an amazing baby shower this week! I feel so loved and blessed to be working with such supportive people :) especially since they have known me for less than 2 months at this point!

Futcher wants to give a shout out to aunt Elisa who turns 21 tomorrow! Can't wait!

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