October 6, 2013

35 weeks

 35 Weeks!! 

Total weight gain is around 23 pounds. 

I'm THRILLED that it's yoga pants and leggings season. My whole body is thankful. 

Starting this week we go to the doctor weekly! 

Still having the same aches and pains, nothing unbearable and nothing new.

A little more tired lately. Except at 2am when I'm wide awake for an hour. 

Futcher is still moving around like crazy in his cramped little home, but he's still not ready to come out. 

No food cravings or aversions this week. 

I cannot wait to hold our sweet little boy. I don't want him coming early... but I am so ready to have him here. 

We drove to Galveston for Jessica's wedding this weekend! And a 5 hour drive while 35 weeks pregnant wasn't as bad as I was anticipating 8 months ago. 
The wedding was absolutely beautiful and I am so thankful I got to be part of it :)
(and very thankful the dress I ordered when I was 6 weeks pregnant fit perfectly with no alterations.) 

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