May 5, 2013


Hellooooo second trimester! 

I made Bren take this picture like 8 times, on multiple days, because I thought I looked too pregnant. It turns out- I'm pregnant and showing. I popped around 12 weeks. 

So here's my week 13 update:
-I've gained 3 pounds! 
-Pregnancy related nausea still comes and goes, it doesn't magically stop the minute the 2nd trimester starts. Darn. 
-I no longer comfortably fit in my jeans and shorts. Maxi dresses to the rescue!
-My only food aversion right now is Chinese food. Ew. 
-Loving all kinds of fake meat products. (Baby craves meat, settles for soy!)

We are incredibly overjoyed and thankful for this little blessing growing inside of me. 

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