May 18, 2013

15 Weeks

15 Weeks! We went to the doctor this week and heard our sweet baby's heartbeat. 1 more month until we find out if it's a boy or girl! Cannot wait to know. 

This week has left me feeling muuuuch better than the last 3 months. Overall nausea has been gone (except 2 nights this week). I'm still super tired though, but I'll take that over nausea any day. 

I started eating vegetables again. I was pretty much against them for a couple months but now I am craving salad. And cheese. 

Weight gain is still at 3 pounds. 

In other news we have been packing up the house to move next weekend! Well, I won't be moving until June 7th but all of our stuff will be gone. Very excited for so many changes!

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