August 25, 2013

29 weeks

29 weeks! 

We picked out our little boy's name a couple years ago. Futcher pronounced (foot-cher) is Brendan's mom's maiden name. We absolutely love it. Futcher Brendan Scheider. We call him Futch. He loves it. 

Still not sure about how much weight I've gained, but I'll find out Thursday at our 30 week appointment!

I was walking out of a store this week when a stranger asked if I was having a boy. I said yes and she said "You look so beautiful! Enjoy it because girls make you huge!"
I love kind strangers and that I am to the point where everyone I meet feels comfortable commenting on the baby because they are 100% it's a baby and not the Mexican food I had for lunch. 

I've been sleeping a lot better lately. Maybe because I started work again and I'm so exhausted at night. 

Futcher is still moving a ton, but it feels like he is starting to get a little cramped in there. 

No cravings this week, although fruit always sounds delicious. Always. 

I have felt really wonderful lately. I have a couple of common 3rd trimester aches and pains but overall I feel great. Back pain is a new one that has started toward the end of the day but only when I'm sitting. 

I really miss being able to do things for myself. I got my new office last week and had to wait a few days for it to be functional until Brendan could come up and move everything around for me. Normally a not pregnant Sam would be able to push desks and shelves around by herself to rearrange. Thank God for a husband who loves to help me out :)

August 19, 2013

28 weeks

28 weeks.... well 28.5 really. 

First of all I want to thank everyone who came to the baby shower (and those that were there in spirit) for the wonderful wonderful gifts and support for the babe. We are so blessed to have almost everything new parents need to get started. My sisters, aunt, and best friend threw a wonderful party for baby!

Only 12 weeks until his due date! I'm pretty sure he will be born on his exact due date (November 8th) and weigh 7.0 pounds. 

My total weight gain is around 14 pounds. 

At our 27 week appointment I was measuring small so the doctor did a surprise ultrasound to measure the little guy. We loved seeing him and being assured that he is growing just fine and probably won't be a big baby (Whew!). He weighed 1 pound 15 oz! I'm sure he's passed 2 pounds by now. 

I have been craving sweet tea but have not given in to caffeine. Also, mashed potatoes sound DELICIOUS. 

I feel like it's important to mention that the glucose drink you have to drink for the gestational diabetes test isn't that bad. Don't sweat it future moms-to-be! And we passed. Yay!

Someone politely pointed out that my belly button has popped out. It's true, we all saw it coming. 

Baby's nursery is painted (grey) thanks to my mom and sisters! Everything is coming together... it's like we are REALLY having a baby. For real. 

Birth classes are starting soon so I'm sure I'll have fun stories from those to share. 

August 2, 2013

26 weeks

26 Weeks! Goodbye second trimester!

Time's flying, I'm growing, baby's kicking, family's moving. 

I'll know for sure how much weight I've gained on Thursday at our next appointment. I don't even want to try to guess. 

I pretty much wear tank tops and soft shorts everyday so starting work in a couple of weeks will be a challenge in the wardrobe department. 

The little gummy bear weighs close to 2 pounds and is around 13 inches long. 

.... I'll admit I have been craving sweets! Fruit, cookies, and skittles. Baby went crazy when I ate strawberries the other night! We loved it. 

The thought of soy sauce makes me want to vomit. 

Everyone is asking if I am swelling yet, which makes me think it's coming soon. When I wake up with sore legs I am always terrified to look at my ankles, but so far so good. 

Our boy responds to his daddy's voice when he reads him stories each night. (I think baby is tired of me reading to him about neurology and stuttering, but momma's got to study!)

I was getting severe round ligament pain which was making it impossible to walk at some points. I went to the Chiropractor for an adjustment and have been feeling 90% better since that! Love a good adjustment, although it was kind of scary since I have a tiny human inside of me. 

In other news, we bought our first house! Can't wait to start painting things and getting the nursery ready :) So much to do in the 1.5 weeks until school starts!