October 25, 2012

Blog 11? I Don't Blog Enough.

... I feel like when people have kids or are pregnant they have way more to blog about. Or maybe when people aren't in grad school and working full time they can blog? OR I am just a bad bad blogger.

Since it's October I decided I would update everyone on my New Years Resolution, which has gone surprisingly better than any resolution in the history of me. My resolution was to use my crock pot once a week. This summer in my crazy nursing home scenario I failed at using my crock pot or cooking anything other than frozen pizzas really. But before and after the summer I have been crocking 2-3 times a month which I would say is as close to once a week as I could hope for. I'll take it.
Husband just celebrated the big 2-6! We went to a Dynamo soccer game in Houston to celebrate.

We also took a stroll to the beach in Galveston. Parker loved it!

July 12, 2012

Blog 10. Old Albums, New Art.

The wall behind our living room TV is decorated with 15 album covers. Collecting them with husband was way fun but they smell old, as did our hands after digging thru hundreds of albums. Now we have 15 records with and no record player. Anyone want some Dolly Parton or Stevie Wonder?

July 6, 2012

Blog 9. Summer in a Nursing Home.

I just completed 5 weeks of interning at a skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility. After day 1 I wanted to cry, because 'adults are not for me'. My opinion changed drastically by day 2, I love it! (shocked? So am I.) Here are the most notable points of my journey thus far:

1. I got a lesson in ALWAYS looking at charts/24 hour reports before seeing patients. Day 1, patient 1, my very first elderly patient ever was no where to be found because he went to be with the good Lord, which we would have known had we looked at his chart.

2. An 84 year old can be just as stubborn as a 4 year old. Seriously.

3. I can handle a child's mucus but not an adults, no matter how hard I try.

4. One day, while trying to do swallowing exercises with a patient, she yelled as loud as she could "I don't want this Aryan touching me, get away!!!" (she used a few harsher words...)  I learned my blonde hair and blue eyes may not always work in my favor.

I experienced something I never in a million years thought I would like as much a pediatrics, but I love it. Who knew.

April 12, 2012

Bog 8. Life as I know it.

When I started this blog I intended to use it to update people about my life. I don't care if anyone reads it really, but I just like the idea of blogging. So here is a life update:

Everyone keeps asking how married life is. The truth is... it is absolutely the most blessed life I could imagine. I love sharing our crazy, hectic, wonderful lives together. My husband has been so supportive with me on my (sometimes tearful) journey to get my Masters.
We have been enjoying our time together doing what we love. 6 months! In the reality of it all, 6 months doesn't sound very long knowing we will have decades together to live, love, and someday grow our family. I feel so fortunate every day to have a wonderful husband.
Also, I have started trying to practice zazen which is proving quite difficult. Apparently I am not very good at focusing on one thing at a time. I am confident that I will get better with practice.
I will try to update more... So until next time.

April 11, 2012

Blog 7. Night stands.

I don't know why but I have always wanted an old 2-level side table. My husband knew this and bought me 2! Here is what they looked like:

There were 2 matching tables so I decided they would make great night stands. I deliberated over colors for about 4 months... or longer. Then I got annoyed with myself and used the only neutral can of paint we had. White. 
This was my process:
Step 1: Buy old side tables!
Step 2: Sand them 
Step 3: Paint Paint Paint. 
I let the paint dry for a few days before antiquing... because the garage was too hot to go back in. 
Step 4: Add a stencil on the top layer, in red!
Step 5: Sand the spots I wanted antiqued. 
Easy easy. 
New night stands for $25

Before and After! 

February 5, 2012

Blog 6. New Years resolution and Kirby Queso

This year my New Years resolution was to use my crock pot once a week. So far, so good. Seeing as it is Super Bowl Sunday- this week's recipe is none other than queso. 

Few things in life are better than queso.
 Well that's what I thought until I had Kirby Queso from Kirby Lane in Austin. 

The secret to making the best queso is to add a glop of guacamole in the middle. D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S. 

Cubed velveeta
1 tbs taco seasoning (homemade recipe  found here)
Add 1 glop of guacamole right before serving. 

January 28, 2012

Blog 5. Cilantro Lime Rice

Mmmm rice. This recipe tastes pretty similar to Chipotle's rice. Oh and it's easy.
1c white rice
3tbs cilantro
1tsp salt
1/2 lime
1tbs olive oil (optional)

Cook rice with 2 cups water, add salt. When rice is finished add oil(optional), lime juice, and cilantro. Pairs well with Mexican and sea food dishes.

January 26, 2012

Blog 4. Tomatillo Avocado Salsa

I love anything avocado so I tried a recipe and tweaked it a little.
Hey, did you know tomatillos are sweet? I didn't. But now I do! The sweetness is not a bad thing- just different from a spicy tomato based salsa. Use less tomatillos if you don't want it as sweet.

1lb tomatillos
1 small onion
3 jalapeños stemmed and seeds out
1/3 of a bunch of cilantro
Juice from 1/2 lime
2 avocado
2 garlic gloves
1tsp kosher salt
1/2 c sour cream (optional)

Peal rinse and quarter tomatillos. Quarter onion. Layer tomatillos, onion, jalapeños, and all other ingredients minus avocado in food processor. Pulse until desired consistency. Dice and add avocado before serving. I also added a dollop of sour cream before serving to make it creamier.

January 23, 2012

Blog 3. Dream Wedding

I married the love of my life 2 months and 4 days ago and it has been filled with nothing but happiness. So I decided to blog about a few things from the wedding that I loved. 11 months of planning and one wonderful wedding planning (my mother) helped everything come together. 

Favorite thing #1: Pre Wedding Pictures
We did not see each other before the wedding, but we did exchange letters. The letter Brendan wrote me is one of my favorite wedding mementos. My photographer captured it amazingly. 

 Favorite thing #2: Thumbprint wedding tree. 
Instead of having a guest book we would probably never look through- we had guests leave their thumbprint and sign their name. Thanks to my lovely aunt Terry for painting the tree. It is now beautifully hung in our living room.  

Favorite thing #3: Homemade Photo Booth 
I was set on the idea of having a vintage couch and props for a homemade photo booth. All I really did to contribute to this was have the idea and paint the sign- my mom took care of the rest! We hired someone specifically to take photo booth pictures and she did an amazing job. 

 Favorite thing #4: Old Windows and Old Family Wedding Photos
Old family wedding pictures in windows displayed at the reception- I think that says enough. 

I loved having each of our parents wedding cake pictures on our wedding cake table

This was an old window at the ceremony

Favorite thing #5: Vintage Rustic

My original description of how I wanted the reception venue was "vintage rustic" and I would say we efficiently carried that out. The venue was already covered in Christmas lights. For the wedding party table Christmas lights were strung underneath and behind lace.

 The table center pieces were mason jars wrapped with lace and ribbon, 
white vases, and vintage handkerchiefs 

Muslin curtains and coffee tin lights at the entrance were a perfect touch 

Thank you to my amazing photographers- Jeska and Jason Bailey 

January 13, 2012

Blog 2. I made Texas

Wood. Nails. Twine. Texas.  
Took about 45 minutes. My hand hurt from hammering.
 Adapted from Texas string on Etsy

January 6, 2012

Blog 1. - Wedding Cards

I saw this on Pinterest (of course) and since the majority of what I make will be some variation of a Pinterest project, let's say this is my disclaimer that I need not mention Pinterest in every blog post. Just be aware- that is probably where it came from.

Anyways. I love cards. For any occasion really. I love this idea of having all of the wedding cards and sweet words from family and friends organized for fun flipping through. They are each hole punched and held together with binder rings.

First I did my bridal shower cards. I included little slips of paper 
from the shower with advice for the bride, groom, marriage. 


These are all of the cards from the wedding. I.Love.This.