July 20, 2013

24 weeks

6 months!! Hard to believe how close we are getting to the day we get to hold our little boy!

Baby is the size of a Subway footlong. Lunch was delicious!
 (WOW I look huge in this pic!)

My total weight gain is 10+, probably closer to 12? But I still haven't replaced the batteries in the scale...

BABY BRAIN IS REAL. I have been pretty forgetful... leaving the groceries in the car, forgetting what I have to say mid conversation and hanging up the phone... Needless to say, working at a nursing home with people who have short term memory loss is working in my favor this summer.

Lately, bending over has been extra hard, so when a patient drops a fork, I look like a fool trying to pick it up. With that being said, I don't look pregnant at all in scrubs so it's even more confusing to people why I can't pick up a spoon by myself.

I read that my uterus is the size of a soccer ball so that explains the not being able to bend thing.

My symptoms: Awful round ligament pain for about 3 weeks, but it finally subsided for the most part! Random pains here and there mostly when walking a lot which is unfortunate since that's my only favorite form of exercise. But baby sure does love the elliptical.

We can SEE baby moving around. I love love love all of his little and big movements. Even at 4am. Love them.

Current cravings are... nothing. Boring.

Also, I decided a while ago that I would start thinking about the actual birth process in July and make my birth plan. BUT that is overwhelming and confusing and scary, so we will put it off a tiiiiiny bit longer.

Friday night we went on a date in Dallas and loved it. Just walked around downtown for a while and ate at Jorge's, then walked around even longer looking for ice cream but couldn't find any.

Here is Bren with his BIG smile:

 And me with my BIG belly. 

July 7, 2013

22 weeks

Whew, 4 months to go!! 

Yesterday Brendan asked me if I liked being pregnant. I LOVE it. It isn't what I thought it would be like. When I thought about being pregnant before I never thought about all of the little details, just the belly. I love feeling baby kicking and moving and I love that he is growing inside of me. Helping him grow healthy and keeping him safe is going to be the biggest responsibility of my life and so far I love being a mommy. 

The batteries on my scale died... so I guess at our doctors appointment Thursday I'll get to see how much the scale has jumped! 

We got to see baby last week at the 3D ultra sound. He moved around SO much while the tech was measuring him, then when the doctor got there to check on him he was sound asleep. 

I haven't been craving anything.

Clothes are getting harder and harder to wear. Even Nike shorts aren't fitting and apparently it's unacceptable to wear Brendan's basketball shorts out in public everyday. A quick shopping trip solved this for the time being.  

I haven't been sleeping great. Sometimes the most comfortable way to sleep is sitting up on the couch. I'm a back and stomach sleeper so this is quite a change for me. 

We finally registered and I have been having fun trying to figure our decorations for the nursery! Can't wait to move and set everything up. 

If someone can paint us a picture like this:
It would be very much appreciated :)
... Baby told me he likes whales and elephants, so it's more of a favor to him, not me.